Monday, 14 January 2013

At the Hands of Men

 At the Hands of Men
  Frederika Menezes
For the past several weeks my mind has been a whirlwind of thoughts – much like tea leaves in boiling water which in my opinion if left too long to boil, makes bad tea!
I have there decided to put my thoughts down and make them readable, attempt to make them understandable and so…
A recurring nightmare: I, me present in the primitive beginning of human life – no humans but mere animals with slowly developing senses of thought, conscience, skills, intelligence, speech, and all that goes along with being a human being today.
Being present then I live in caves or in the open with bare shelter – at mercy of nature in all its forms to live. And of course, being of the female species, either I have borne my mate’s offspring or am an offspring in the growing myself – either way, I am conditioned by instinct to give birth, love, nurture, care and protect while the males go out and earn food by hunting. Wait Stop! What am I on about? You are wondering, right? Hang around and you will find out – if my thoughts have been put into a readable and aren’t still a whirlwind, on paper this time!
Okay, back to the nightmare.
So, one day suddenly while I am alone, perhaps having stepped out of my place of dwelling a little further than other days, I get surrounded by a group of lust sick male species and they attack me. I run for it toward the dwelling but being of a somewhat gentler sex, they outrun me and have their fun. Beating, biting, scratching, forcing me to take the brunt of their savage pleasure.
Then, once satisfied, one of them takes a weapon of the age and goes to where my young are, be it a cave or under bare shelter in the open, and whacks the life out of them, in the end whacking his own life, he falls badly injured or dead. A true hero!!
The others of the group are still attacking me, barely conscious me – they decide they want more savage fun out of what is left of me.
Meanwhile, my mate is returning from a good hunt and sees all. Approaching the dwelling place, he’ll raise the earth and chase the attackers but somewhere along the way of the ‘justice trail’ he’s brain will evolve a bit and think ‘She is just as guilty as these males, she was not to wander too far away from our dwelling and besides, she should have taken our young and run to a safer place knowing I’d eventually find her.’
So my mate returns and reviving my battered body and piling the dead offspring, he’ll roar and rage at me in accusation. In the end, my mate too joins the lusting males, now long gone but present in him and attacks me.
End of recurring nightmare. Until it recurs!

I am of the female species. I must take it – the screwing, the beating, the accusations, the threats, right? Wrong!
Are you still wondering why I say that I am present in the primitive beginning of human life? Well if you haven’t figured it out yet, its because I feel the present is the primitive beginning of human life.
What is Woman? A companion to Man. Not his play thing, or his ‘use me to vent your frustration’ thing!
Without females where would the world be? We, woman and man, are meant to be companions and not a thing less to each other.
Yes, woman has evolved, she has brains and beauty of a kind, she, given half a chance will learn and academically prove equal or better than a man. Woman can be a in a seat of power and she has been. Woman has the every right to garb herself the way she sees fit and if the right is not hers, it must be given to her.
I’ll give you this, there a few women who don’t know how to use this right and to these, the other women who do know, must impart knowledge strictly. Men, must protect and respect women – be they whoever they are.
After all, isn’t A woman, human? Isn’t a woman, Nature’s identity? Aren’t children what we all have once been, both men and women?
Yes, the End of the World, of life, is creeping closer at the hands of … yes, MAN!!
There now, the whirlwind has stopped. The tea is served and I do hope its drinkable and my thoughts readable, understandable!