Thursday 16 July 2015



How fragile is
The feeling ‘Hope’…
Like a veil over
One’s soul
It flutters with
Every heartbeat…

It is as though
Wings of a butterfly
One moment in flight
The next poised
As we consider a situation,
Some thought.

Fine fairy dust
‘Hope’ is
Being carried away
In the breath
Of a breeze…
Helpless, it blows about
Almost always
Subject to doubt!

‘Hope’ is a treasure
In the writings of
Jilted loves…
It is a weapon
Not used enough
In war torn places
Where lives are waifs

Come, find us
We are orphans,
Wanderers with no
Place to go…
In hopelessness
We roam…

A drop of water
To a
Thirsting tongue
‘Hope’ is…
The lyric in a
That gladdens a
Grieving heart…

It is a kite
Cut free to soar
Swiftly carried by winds
‘Hope’ is what
Keeps us every day
On our toes…!

                                                                FREDERIKA MENEZES